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Salute Pre Orders & More
HECKS YES! Excite! It’s coming! We’ve been at every Salute since 2014 and shall indeed be this year. The theme is Highlanders, and while the poster is brilliant, I made a Squiddo Edit with a bunch of our minis. We don’t have a highland cow [yet] though so I had to swap that for Zombie Friesian. read the...
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Office Move Complete!
If you missed the last newsletter or the social media updates - We were given 28 days notice to leave the office as Nottingham City Council evicted over 80 businesses and community groups at once, out of the blue. It’s impossible to find a new premises, wait for the back and forth of paperwork, and then move all the things in...
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We’re Moving!
Order shipping will resume 3rd March once we’re all moved to the new office. If you need Bad Squiddo goodness sooner than that, you could check out our retailers. Thanks for your understanding, here is a more detailed summary! *** We will be moving offices this week, which means the packing area & minis will be packed Wednesday, so any...
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